Medicaid and Medicare
Texas Oral Health Coalition
Other Resources
- 2017 in Review: CHCS’ Top 10 Resources(Center for Health Care Strategies)
- Access to DentalCare in Medicaid: Spotlight on Nonelderly Adults (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2016)
- A National Imperative – Oral health Services in Medicare (May 2017 JADA)
- Closing the Health Care Coverage Gap in Texas: A Latino Perspective (National Council of La Raza, 2014)
- Dentist’s Participation in Medicaid (ADA Health Policy Institute)
- Guiding Innovations to Improve the Oral Health of Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries (Center for Health Care Strategies, 2016)
- Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Adults in Medicaid: Key Themes from a Policy Roundtable (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2016)
- “The Pink Book” Texas Medicaid and CHIP in Perspective (DSHS, Twelfth Edition, 2018)
- Managed Care Organization & Dental Maintenance Organization Provider Services Contact Information (DSHS)
- Medicaid and CHIP Book (MACPAC, 2019)
- Medicaid Coverage of Dental Benefits for Adults (MACPAC, 2015)
- Oral Evaluation & Fluoride Varnish Overview (THSteps)
- Oral Evaluation & Fluoride Varnish in the Medical Home (Texas HHS)
- Oral Evaluation & Fluoride Varnish in the Medical Home Training and Certification for Medicaid Providers (AAP, 2013)
- Payment for Oral Health Services (AAP)
Oral healthcare is a vitally important part of primary care and payment is a necessary part of offering oral health services within the medical setting. Use these resources for help with getting paid for oral health services. - Oral Health and Well-Being Among Medicaid Adults by Type of Medicaid Dental Benefit Infographic (ADA Health Policy Institute Infographic)
- Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured (Kaiser Family Foundation)
- State Trends in the Delivery of Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports (Center for Health Care Strategies, 2016)
- THSteps Active and Enrolled Dental Provider Participation Report (From TDMR FOI request, 1996-Q1-2024)
- CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, “A Snapshot of the 76.5 Million Americans Without Dental Insurance.” <> (August 25, 2022)
- Texas Health Care Association, “Quick Facts.” <> (August 25, 2022)
- ADA Health Policy Institute, “Oral Health and Well-Being Among Seniors in the United States.” <> (August 25, 2022)
- ADA Health Policy Institute, “Texas’ Oral Health and Well-Being.” <> (August 25, 2022)