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Community Water Fluoridation

Texas Oral Health Coalition

The Texas Oral Health Coalition unequivocally supports community water fluoridation in the fight against dental decay for adults and children living in the state of Texas.

75 years of Community Water Fluoridation

Community water fluoridation is the adjustment of the existing fluoride levels in the public drinking water systems to a level that reduces tooth decay. Scientific evidence compiled over more than seven decades demonstrates that fluoridation is a safe, cost-effective, and equitable intervention that benefits everyone in a given community regardless of age, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. The tremendous success of fluoridation led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to declare it one of the ten greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Dental disease continues to have a profound impact on the health of children and adults living in Texas, with a greater impact to those who are at greater risk for disease. Tooth decay is the most common childhood disease and is 5 times more common than asthma. Studies demonstrate that children lose over 51 million hours of school per year, and adults lose more than 1.5 million work hours annually due to dental disease. Community water fluoridation has been shown to reduce dental decay by between 18-40%.

Texas Fluoridation MapWater fluoridation is endorsed by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Public Health Association, the American Dental Association, the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, and the five most recent U.S. Surgeons General. In addition, more than 100 national and international organizations have recognized the public health benefits of community water fluoridation. The scientific evidence over the past 75 years demonstrates that community water fluoridation is a safe, cost-effective, and equitable approach to prevent tooth decay.

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Educational Materials and Resources


Fluoride for Smiles

Fluoride for Smiles

Fluoride for Smiles has pulled together a wealth of free resources, social media messages, and marketing toolkits to build public support for water fluoridation. 

Campaign for Dental Health

The Campaign for Dental Health

The Campaign for Dental Health, a program of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has organized to defend our progress and ensure that more children get the basic dental care they need to grow, learn, and lead healthy lives.

American Fluoridation Society Logo

American Fluoridation Society

The American Fluoridation Society was founded in 2014 by a group of concerned professionals anxious to see all residents of the United States served by community water systems enjoy the benefits of community water fluoridation (CWF). Equally important to this Society is to prevent rollback attempts by opponents of CWF, as well as to initiate CWF where it has not been previously available.

The British Fluoridation Society 

We provide information about the dental benefits and safety of water fluoridation, a public health measure that involves adjusting the naturally occurring fluoride content of water to the optimum level for good oral health.


ADA Logo

Fluoride in Water from the American Dental Association (ADA)

Fluoride and Fluoridation Resources for dentists, health professionals and the public.

CDC logo

Community Water Fluoridation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC provides water fluoridation resources including water fluoridation basics, guidelines and recommendations, data and statistics, and more.

Fluoride Exposed Logo

Fluoride Exposed

Your Source for High Quality, Detailed Science on Fluoride & Fluoridation

By the Center for Fluoride Research Analysis – is produced by an independent board of experts in the field. It has been an invaluable resource for topic summaries, critical appraisals, reviews, commentaries, and interviews on fluoride research.


Making Sense of Fluoride

Making Sense of Fluoride (MSoF) is an incorporated society, whose main aim is to counter much of the misinformation on the internet and print media related to community water fluoridation. We are a combination of students, academics and medical professionals advocating that this significant public health initiative be maintained in Australasia given the longstanding scientific consensus on its safety and efficacy.

FLUID Law Logo

Fluoride Legislative User Information Database(FLUID)

The Fluoride Legislative User Information Database is a comprehensive database containing legal decisions by U.S. courts and current information on federal, state and local policies regarding community water fluoridation.

Articles and Reports

Recent Articles

Photo Source: Flickr | Aqua Mechanical (CC BY 2.0)


TxOHC Community Water Fluoridation Shorts Playlist

Unbiased Science Podcast

Unbiased Science Podcast

American Fluoridation Society Youtube Channel

Health Data Dashboard

The Texas Health Data Dashboard includes date reports on: 

  • Community Water Fluoridation
  • Texas Community Profile
  • Access to Care
  • Chronic Conditions
  • Tobacco Use
  • Opioid Use
  • Diabetes in Texas
  • Obesity in Texas

Follow Us

We are excited to share the Texas Oral Health Coalition has merged with Texas Health Institute beginning in 2025.   Please contact THI for all Coalition questions at, or 512-279-3910.  Thank you!