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Lessons learned from the Texas Fluoridation Campaign

Texas Oral Health Coalition

Josefine Ortiz Wolfe, PhD, RDH, CHES

Josefine Ortiz Wolfe, Ph.D., RDH, CHES, is an assistant professor at A.T. Still University within the College of Graduate Health Studies.  Dr. Wolfe is a Registered Dental Hygienist, Certified Health Education Specialist, and a National Health Service Corps Scholar Alumni.  She earned an undergraduate degree in dental hygiene from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, a Master of Science in and a doctoral degree from Walden University. Previously, Dr. Wolfe served as the director of the Oral Health Program at Texas Health Institute and the project coordinator of a school-based dental sealant program at the City of San Antonio’s Health Department. Dr. Wolfe serves as Chairperson for the American Public Health Association’s Oral Health Section and is also a member of the Speakers Bureau for the American Association of Public Health Dentistry. Her research interests include health communication, oral health equity, social and structural determinants of health in Latino and immigrant populations.

Community Water Fluoridation Communication – Lessons learned from the Texas Fluoridation Campaign

Course Description:       

Access to information via the internet has dramatically changed the dynamics of health information and has amplified the spread of misinformation. Communication techniques have changed over the last decade, especially with the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. We, as health professionals, must adapt our communication methods to keep up with the changing times. This lecture will provide specific examples to illustrate the process of building data-driven, evidence-based health communication campaigns. Lessons learned from the Texas Fluoridation Campaign will be discussed and how these lessons can be implemented to help us communicate with our patients more effectively. Techniques to identify fluoride hesitant beliefs and methods used to understand and address the root causes of those beliefs will be reviewed.  Updates surrounding community water fluoridation and the benefits of community water fluoridation in improving oral health will be discussed. Resources developed by the Texas Fluoridation Campaign will be reviewed.

Learning Objectives
  1. Recognize the importance of patient centered messages and approaches for delivering effective health messages
  2. Review community water fluoridation communication techniques
  3. Discuss updates surrounding community water fluoridation and the benefits of community water fluoridation in improving oral health

Upcoming Sessions

Texas Oral Health Coalition
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 
7/1/2019 to 6/30/2021.
Provider ID# 346144

Technical Specifications

  • Zoom supports the latest release of these browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. 
  • Supported operating systems and system requirements for PC, Mac, and Linux.
  • TxOHC Technology Plan

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We are excited to share the Texas Oral Health Coalition has merged with Texas Health Institute beginning in 2025.   Please contact THI for all Coalition questions at, or 512-279-3910.  Thank you!