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Ink Cartridge Recycle Program

Texas Oral Health Coalition

Help us raise funds through our ink cartridges recycling fundraiser.

Every day over a million used printer cartridges are thrown away. This is a great and easy way for us to generate much-needed funds while making it easy for you to recycle your used ink cartridges.

Below is information on how to recycle. If you don’t have any cartridges to recycle, you can still help!

You can share this email with as many people as possible. We want to build a CHAIN REACTION, so we have people across the country recycling cartridges to raise funds for us while preserving our environment.

TxOHC is raising funds with Planet Green Recycle

Be sure to type in our Program ID Code: 32140 when completing the shipping form.

The more people who recycle their used ink cartridges with our Program ID Code: 32140 the more money we raise!

When you have used inks remember to always recycle at, and forward this email to as many people as possible.

Thank you!

Texas Oral Health Coalition, Inc

People wanting to recycle their used ink cartridges through the Planet Green Recycle program in support of TxOHC, can place a minimum of 4 or more inkjet cartridges in any used box, request a free shipping USPS shipping label Program I.D. Codes 32140, and mail.

Toner cartridges are not accepted as part of this mail-in program.

Learn more about Planet Green here.

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We are excited to share the Texas Oral Health Coalition has merged with Texas Health Institute beginning in 2025.   Please contact THI for all Coalition questions at, or 512-279-3910.  Thank you!