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TxOHC Blog

2023 Texas Oral Health Report Card Announcement


June 8, 2023

2023 Texas Oral Health Report CardThe Texas Oral Health Coalition is pleased to release the 2023 Texas Oral Health Report Card providing a comprehensive assessment of Texas’ oral health grade in comparison to the national average across 17 key indicators.

Regrettably, Texas’ grade has experienced a slight decline this year, dropping from a C+ in 2022 to a C for 2023. This change can be attributed to the inclusion of new indicators in this year’s report card, as well as the utilization of data from 2020. It is evident that Texas still has a significant journey ahead to ensure that every Texan can attain optimal oral health.

While the overall grade has experienced a decline, it is essential to acknowledge the positive trends highlighted in the report card. Two notable areas of improvement are the increased percentage of children receiving dental sealants and the rise in the percentage of pregnant women receiving teeth cleaning during pregnancy (Indicators #9 and #13 respectively). These trends indicate that the efforts undertaken in Texas to enhance oral health care delivery and education are yielding positive outcomes.

However, it is crucial to note that these positive trends are not solely attributed to improvements within Texas. While Texas has made progress, national efforts in these areas seem to be moving in the opposite direction.



2022 Grade

2023 Grade








Children ages 6-11 who have received dental sealants in the last year








Pregnant women who had their teeth cleaned during pregnancy







By examining these indicators and the valuable insights they offer, we can work towards addressing the pressing oral health challenges faced by our communities. Together, we can strive for a healthier, more equitable future where every Texan enjoys the benefits of optimal oral health.


Let’s take a closer look at the indicators highlighted in the 2023 Report Card. It’s important to note that the report utilizes the most recently available public data for each indicator. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, data collection and publication are still recovering, and most data points are collected every few years.

Furthermore, building upon last year’s changes, TxOHC has introduced four new indicators to enhance the report’s effectiveness. Recognizing the integral role of good oral health in overall well-being throughout all stages of life, indicators #2 and #6 expand the age ranges of data collected, providing a more comprehensive understanding. Additionally, as oral health concerns are closely linked to diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions, TxOHC has included indicators #10 and #12, encompassing health indicators associated with oral health and overall well-being.



Children ages 3-5 enrolled in Medicaid who received a preventive care visit through Medicaid

Children ages 1-17 with decayed teeth or cavities in the last year
High School students drinking soda two or more times per day in the past week

Adults with diabetes who had a dental visit in the last year.


As we celebrate our seventh consecutive oral health report card, we wanted to go beyond the scope of single-year data. To provide a more comprehensive analysis, we have developed a trend report focusing on seven key indicators, spanning several years of available data. This approach allows us to gain insights into the evolving oral health trends both in Texas and across the nation.


The report card serves as a call to action for policymakers, oral health professionals, and community members to address the oral health challenges faced by communities in Texas. By examining the indicators and determining the best approaches to improving oral health, we can work towards a future where access to care and oral health outcomes are improved for all Texans. The ultimate goal is to achieve optimal oral health across all age groups and promote a more equitable and accessible oral health care system.

Reviewing all seventeen indicators on the report card provides valuable insights into the oral health status of Texans. Join the Texas Oral Health Coalition and be a part of the efforts to lead and achieve optimal oral health for all residents across the lifespan in Texas. Together, we can make a difference.





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We are excited to share the Texas Oral Health Coalition has merged with Texas Health Institute beginning in 2025.   Please contact THI for all Coalition questions at, or 512-279-3910.  Thank you!